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What's the difference between 304 VS 316 stainless steel?

What's the difference between 304 VS 316 stainless steel?
Dec 06, 2024 page view:1

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304 and 316 stainless steel are common stainless steel materials, and there are several main differences between them:

1. Chemical composition: 304 stainless steel contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel, while 316 stainless steel contains 2-3% molybdenum in addition to 18% chromium and 8% nickel. The addition of molybdenum enhances the corrosion resistance of 316 stainless steel in corrosive environments.

2. Corrosion resistance: 316 stainless steel has higher corrosion resistance than 304 stainless steel, especially stronger corrosion resistance to chloride corrosion (such as seawater, salt, etc.) and acidic environments.

3. Application areas: Due to the excellent corrosion resistance of 316 stainless steel, it is suitable for more demanding environments, such as marine equipment, chemical equipment, medical devices, and other fields that require corrosion resistance. 304 stainless steel is commonly used in general environments such as indoor decoration and food processing equipment.

4. Price: Generally speaking, 316 stainless steel is more expensive compared to 304 stainless steel because it contains more alloying elements and provides superior corrosion resistance. The choice of 304 or 316 stainless steel depends on specific application requirements and budget considerations.

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