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FH36 steel plate: toughness and durability for demanding environments

FH36 steel plate: toughness and durability for demanding environments
May 16, 2023 page view:27

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FH36 steel plate is a high strength structural steel that is commonly used in shipbuilding applications. It has excellent toughness and durability for demanding environments, such as those encountered by ships at sea.

FH36 steel plate has a minimum yield strength of 355 MPa and a tensile strength of 490-620 MPa. This makes it ideal for use in harsh conditions where high strength and impact resistance are required. Additionally, FH36 steel plate has good welding properties, which make it easier to fabricate into various shapes and structures.

One of the key benefits of FH36 steel plate is its ability to resist corrosion, particularly in saltwater environments. This means that it can provide long-lasting protection against the effects of seawater and other corrosive substances.

Overall, FH36 steel plate offers excellent toughness and durability for demanding environments. Its high strength, impact resistance, and corrosion resistance make it well-suited for use in shipbuilding and other marine applications where reliability and safety are essential.

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