S275J0H and S275J2H rectangular hollow section steel (RHS) under EN10210 standard are low-alloy structural steels, and their yield strength varies with thickness. For example, when the thickness is ≤ 16mm, it is ≥ 275MPa, and the tensile strength is 410-560MPa. The impact test temperature for S275J0H is 0 ℃, while S275J2H maintains an impact energy of ≥ 27J at -20 ℃, making it suitable for low-temperature engineering. Both methods optimize the microstructure through normalizing (N) or controlled rolling and controlled cooling (TMCP) processes, and Z-direction models (such as Z15/Z35) need to control sulfur and phosphorus content (both ≤ 0.030%) and meet the requirements of cross-sectional shrinkage rate (≥ 15% or ≥ 35%).
During the production process, S275J0H/S275J2H must comply with the EN10210 flaw detection standard, with a wall thickness tolerance of ≤ -10% and an outer diameter tolerance of ± 1%. S275J0H hollow section is commonly used for building frames and mechanical components, while S275J2H is suitable for low-temperature load-bearing structures such as bridges and venues due to its -20 ℃ toughness. Low hydrogen process is recommended during welding to reduce the risk of embrittlement in the heat affected zone and ensure engineering safety.