St52-3N material to DIN17100 standard is a low alloy steel. It is equal to DIN17100:St52-3, JIS: SS490/SM490A, BS:50B and UNI7070:Fe510B. As for the delivery condition, St52-3N plates are often delivered in normalized condition.
Mechanical properties of St52-3N plate
St52-3N tensile strength (ob/MPa): 510-680
St52-3N Yield Point (σs/MPa): 2355
St52-3N reduction of area (ψ/%) :217
Impact energy Akv (J): 22 (in -20℃)
St52-3N steel is composed of C, Si, P, S as the chemical elements as ordinary structural steel. This kind of steel is mainly characterized by its tensile strength and yield point. St52-3N steel plate is mainly used in civil construction, underground engineering, bridge structure, marine structure, container manufacturing, automobile and machine manufacturing.