20CrMn alloy steel carburizing steel, high strength, toughness, good hardenability. The properties obtained after heat treatment are better than 20Cr. The quenching deformation is small, the low temperature toughness is good, the cutting machinability is good. But the welding performance is low. It is generally used after carburizing and quenching or tempering.
20CrMn alloy steel mechanical properties
Tensile strength σb (MPa) : ≥930(95)
Yield strength σs (MPa) : ≥735(75)
Elongation Δ5 (%) : ≥10
Section shrinkage ψ(%) : ≥45
Impact work AKV (J) : ≥47
Impact toughness value α kV (J/cm2) : ≥59(6)
Brinell hardness: (HBS100/3000) (annealed or high temperature tempering condition) : 187
20CrMn alloy steel is used for manufacturing and heavy duty large section of quenching parts and small section of carburizing parts, but also can be used for manufacturing medium load, impact small small parts, instead of 20CrNi use, such as gear, shaft, friction wheel, worm speed sleeve, etc.